


another to die

always moving

never rested.

Always asking why?

Living life unfulfilled

withered thrills.

Here’s a pill

one step forward

one step back

another day

under attack

what do I lack?

Bought the lie

to live like

I’ll never die

Bought societies dogma

that I need everything

to succeed

to survive

to thrive

be thin

be beautiful

be wealthy

be hip

be young

I’m done.

Be something unachieveable

and wonder why…

I cry

I stand alone

On my rock

I will not buy the lie anymore.

I am enough

as I am

if it bothers

I don’t give a damn

This is where I make my


I am good enough

as I am.


As I lie awake

and dream

of places not

what they seem

Journeyed far and wide

many spaces to hide

Whispered whisps

Silent sighs

wondering why,

sometimes I cry

wondering why

its a magic ride

spaces to hide

Embraced place

stone by stone

like a lovers breath

I want you near

to an ear

No fear

We are here

Embracing spaces


Within Without

Ready to face the demons-

within and without

longing to live my life

within and without

destiny fought

destiny sought

within and without

facing the truth

within and without

going to ground

within and without

over and under

within and without

another day wasted

never again

within and without.