I am…

I am a white woman.

I cannot sit silently.

I cannot ‘reason’ this out.

I watched a black man

die under the knee of

a white police officer.

A few weeks ago a

black man was murdered

while out running by white men.

A few months ago a

black woman was murdered

in her own home by a

white police officer.

There is no ‘reasoning’ this.

There is no justification for this.

There is no excuse for this.

These are Americans-

Our brothers and sisters

Slaughtered over and over.

How can I stay silent?!…

It is barbaric

It is cruel

It is unjust


I think I finally understand

‘white privilege’

it doesn’t mean I was

given more, it means

I am not seen as ‘less’.

A white woman does wrong

and is called on it by a black man.

She whips out her phone and threatens to call police

and tell them she is being harassed

by a black man. That is white privilege.

No one ever got to chose their birth-ever!

I see you

In whatever glorious color you are-

I see you and I respect you-

No matter your shade of skin or any

other ‘identifier’.

Are you decent?

Are you kind?

Are you honorable?

these are the ‘qualifiers’-

Skin color is not.

We the people

are supposed to stand

for EQUALITY for all.

Why is it so hard?

It isn’t hard

It’s easy-


White America-wake up-please

support every American in search


Freedom, equality, and peace…